< Mar 2025 >
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ALL players are required to have a VOTR membership to play! If you are just doing court rentals you need a free VOTR Bronze membership. If you play leagues and/or tournaments look into the Silver or Gold memberships. Membership information can be found at https://votr.volleyballlife.com/member/levels

*memberships count as your waiver


If you have more than 8 people you need to rent 2 courts

Courts are $5 per person with minimum of $20 paid per court

Spots in blue that say "Reserve" are available 

Cancellations within 72 will NOT receive a refund

Questions? Call the Oasis at 303-466-1760 or Island at 303-745-2255

*These courts are outside and no inside courts will be available during bad weather


Court 13
Court 14
Court 15
Court 16
Court 17
Court 18