August 29 - October 24 (8 Regular Weeks + 1 Week for Finals) This is a coed league, at least 3 females are required. Each match will consist of 3 sets played to 21 points unless teams are running short on time and the third set should be played to 15 points (rally scoring).

Place Team W L T Points Scored Points Allowed Win Percent
1 Mood Swings (Sode) 16 1 0 991 131 94.117647058824%
2 Drinking Team (Francis) 13 4 0 751 371 76.470588235294%
3 How I Set Your Mother (Harper) 12 5 0 731 391 70.588235294118%
4 Sandy Cheeks (Swafford) 11 6 0 671 451 64.705882352941%
5 Heer for Beer (Kacerovskis) 10 6 0 688 368 62.5%
6 Hard Bump Life (Koelling) 9 7 0 588 468 56.25%
7 Scranton Branch (Walter) 7 9 0 428 628 43.75%
8 Sand Panthers (Hall) 7 9 0 528 528 43.75%
9 Sandjobs (Redwing) 5 11 0 388 668 31.25%
10 FAF (Holtman) 4 12 0 349 729 25%
11 Will Work 4 Sets (Goodwin) 3 13 0 248 808 18.75%
12 UNPROTECTED SETS (Thomas) 1 15 0 129 949 6.25%
