June 14 - August 16 (9 Regular Weeks + 1 Week for Finals) This is an open beer league, that has no requirements on male to female ratio. Each match will consist of 3 sets played to 21 points unless teams are running short on time and the third set should be played to 15 points (rally scoring).

Place Team W L T Points Scored Points Allowed Win Percent
1 Pass & Hitties (Mullins) 17 3 0 1000 320 85%
2 Beer Me (Snyder) 15 5 0 820 500 75%
3 Team Tofu (Del Toro) 12 7 0 800 470 63.157894736842%
4 Mediocre at Best (schwartz) 6 13 0 449 799 31.578947368421%
5 Big Dig Energy (Morrison) 5 14 0 376 856 26.315789473684%
6 Best Budz (Hoffman) 3 16 0 440 1130 15.789473684211%
